
Vietnam Cosmetic Regulation completely follows the ASEAN Cosmetic Directive as a member country of ASEAN. The cosmetic products are regulated by the Drug Administration of Vietnam (DAV) under Vietnam Ministry of Health (MOH).

To register a cosmetic product in Vietnam, the application the dossier must consist of:

  • Proclamation report of cosmetics
  • Company registration certificate
  • The power of attorney of the producer/owner of the product
  • Free sales certificate

Also, a product registration file that consists of four parts (as follows) is required:

  • Product descriptions and summary of administrative documents
  • Product quality
  • Materials quality
  • Safety and efficiency

Importing Cosmetic in Vietnam With House Boutique Asia

  • Provide the required documents
  • House Boutique Asia Register the products on your behalf
  • House boutique with Associate partners imports your products in Vietnam
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For this purpose, House Boutique will help you to have a subsidiary company or an entrusted importer in Vietnam to apply for the cosmetic product registration

Please note that Cosmetic Products imported into Vietnam must be compliant with ASEAN harmonized cosmetic regulations, in which, some specific ingredients shall subject to a limitation of ratio or prohibition. In case you don’t have any such Importer, we can connect you with our partners who are willing to act as Importer. Then, they shall take care of all importation of registered products for you and transfer the products to parties as designed by you.

Documents required during the notification process:
  • Certificate of Free Sale (CFS) (legalized)
  • Certificate of Analysis (CoA)
  • Business Registration Certificate (BRC)
  • Ingredient list (INCI followed)
  • Power of Attorney (POA) (legalized)
  • The main label of products

The Notification is valid for 5 years from the date of Issue .

20 to 30 working days