Indonesia BPOM

Indonesia is one of the rapidly growing markets for cosmetic products especially Halal cosmetic products. Cosmetic products in Indonesia are regulated by the National Agency of Food and Drug Control, also known as Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan (BPOM). Each and every type of cosmetic products must be registered before being imported into Indonesia.

Who can register Cosmetics?

As per BPOM regulation, only legal companies or entities registered under the Indonesian law can register cosmetic products in Indonesia. The company also requires an Import license to clear products through Indonesian customs.

If you are a foreign entity and wish to register and import cosmetic products in Indonesia:

1) Subsidiary company registration

Foreign entities have to set up one company as per Indonesian law and acquire relevant licenses.

2) Appoint House Boutique as Responsible person

If you don’t have a registered entity in Indonesia and wish to register & import products in Indonesia, Appoint House boutique can provide you with local experts. House Boutique help register your cosmetic products and find the person responsible for market & sale of cosmetics in Indonesia.

Registration Process of Cosmetics

Notification for product registration in Indonesia is done through BPOM’s online system. Applicants need to submit a registration application on the Online system with required documents. House boutique helps clients to get access to the BPOM online system. We also submit the registration applications on behalf of our client.

Below is the basic process of registration in Indonesia.


Appoint Nominee (for e.g. House Boutique) or Set Up Legal Indonesian entity


Fill data form with required Documents to get access to BPOM online system


Login with ID and Password


Receive Product notification number (within 14 days from the day of payment)


Fill the required details online & make the Payment (withing 10 days)


Submission of product notification

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Administrative Documents:
  • Business Trade License
  • Import License
  • Letter of authorization from the manufacturer
  • Copy of Manufacturer’s GMP certificate
  • Certificate of Free Sales
Technical Documents :
  • Ingredient List – Formulas or Ingredients with functions
  • Certificate of analysis
  • Product label
  • Safety data
  • Other required documents according to BPOM

Cosmetic notification is valid for a period of 3 years and Cosmetic Importer would be responsible for the safety and quality of cosmetic products.