Malaysia NPRA

All the cosmetics imported in Malaysia is regulated by Control of Drugs and Cosmetic Regulations (CDCR) 1984. As per agreement for the harmonization of cosmetic products, cosmetics in Malaysia are controlled through notification procedures. One has to comply with all the regulatory requirements stated in the guideline and submit a notification to the Director of Pharmaceutical Services (DPS) through the National Pharmaceutical Regulatory Agency (NPRA).

As per CDCR 1984, Regulation 18A (1): cosmetics cannot be manufactured or imported unless it is notified to DPS

Cosmetic Notification Holder

To import cosmetic products in Malaysia, foreign entities should have either registered offices under the company's commission of Malaysia or authorized importers (also known as cosmetic notification holders). House Boutique helps for Cosmetic Notification Holder and responsible for import, marketing, and sale of your products in Malaysia.

The CNH (Cosmetic Notification Holder) is responsible to submit notification before the products are being imported. The CNH should make sure that all the imported products are compliant with regulations.

about images
  • Particulars of the product including product name, product type, intended use and product presentation
  • Name and address of the manufacturer(s) and assembler(s), if any
  • Name, address and valid contact number (and e-mail address) of the CNH
  • Particulars of person representing the company of CNH including valid contact number
  • Full product ingredient list (the content i.e. percentage (%) of the restricted ingredients must be declared)
  • Letter of Authorization/Letter of Declaration/Letter of Contract Manufacturing, where applicable
  • Label(s) of the product
  • Certificate of Free Sale

The Notification is valid for 2 years from the date of issue. The CNH has to renew notification 1 month prior to expiry.

30 to 40 days